Member-only story
Yes & No: Shaping Your Destiny with Simple Choices
Hello to all decision-makers (I mean every single one of you),
Isn’t it fascinating to ponder on the profound impact a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ can have on our lives? This realization struck me like a bolt of lightning not too long ago, and I’ve been mulling over it ever since. It dawned on me that every time we utter a ‘no’, we are merely declining a singular option. However, the moment we decide to say ‘yes’, it’s as though we are closing the door on an entire realm of alternatives. This epiphany has fundamentally transformed the way I approach both the monumental and the mundane decisions in my life, and it’s something I’m eager to explore with you.
The Essence of Affirming
Let’s delve into the essence of saying ‘yes’. It’s akin to selecting a path to tread on, not just any path, but one that inherently eliminates countless other paths we could have taken. It’s a pledge, an embarkation on a journey, all the while leaving other potential ventures just out of reach, floating away.
Time and Energy: The Crux of Our Existence
Think about our time and energy like that last piece of pizza at a big family dinner — you know, the one everyone’s secretly eyeing because it’s the juiciest slice left. It’s so precious because, well, once it’s gone, it’s gone. There’s only…